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Follow me on Instagram @mendmydog and Facebook 'Mendmydog Dog Behaviourist

All types of  dog behaviour covered including:

Jumping up

Pulling on the lead

Reactivity toward other dogs/people/children

Excessive barking

Territorial Aggression

Resource Guarding

Mouthing and biting

Inappropriate toileting

Rehabilitating rescues


Separation Anxiety

Good social manners with dogs/people

Fear based issues

Choosing the right puppy for you from a litter

Puppy training/house training

121 Puppy training in your own home

(an increasingly popular alternative or add on to puppy classes)

Introducing your new dog to children

Teaching your children how to be safe around your dog

Teaching dog body language to humans

Help choosing the right breed for you

Owner/dog training walks

inappropriate Mounting

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Received 12th Feb 2022


Full Dog Behaviour Consultation:

Home video/phone consultation only £35 using video footage I will ask you to send to me, only for minor issues.

Full 121 Home Consultation, Assessment and Written Report and Behavioural Modification Programme £150 which  includes a 1-2 hour consultation where I chat to you, assess you and your dog,  send a full written report with homework possible vet referral and free follow up with texts and calls for support.

Why Choose me? 

One to one sessions at your home or local park are by far the most effective way of working with you and your dog, in their own familiar surroundings, which is most likely where they display the behaviours in question.

Each dog and owner have a different dynamic and personality and  working 121 enables me  to work with  you and your dog's connection  to help you both along your journey together.  

I can help you achieve a lifelong bond with your best friend.  I train owners to train their dogs and avoid common pitfalls.  I am constantly updating my knowledge and I have had many clients now who have already paid much more for professional help but have found my approach much more effective. I won't just quote theory at you, I will work hands on with you and your dog.

A Dog Behaviourist takes a full history, works with your vet, carries out some assessments and will look in depth at the reason why your dog displays a behavioural issue which is usually the only successful way to treat many issues long term. I will provide a full report, diagnosis and Behaviour Modification Programme.  A Dog Trainer usually tackles the symptoms at a much more surface level.  

Beware as this is currently an unregulated industry and anyone can call themselves a Dog Behaviourist or Dog Trainer with no standard of qualificiations and can operate after a two week online course. This can result in some very dubious and sometimes dangerous advice being given out as many of my clients have unfortunately  discovered first hand.  Equally some dog trainers,  who have practised for many years may not be using up to date and positive methods which may have a detrimental effect on your and your dog's relationship. We have now studied this subject scientifically and there are numerous studies that back this up. 


Check out qualification content online and ensure they are up to date with current RSPCA and Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons advice regarding positive only training methods. 

Any aggression issues should only be tackled by a dog professional qualified to at least Level 5 in dog behaviour using positive methods for obvious reasons. Regulation is on it's way thankfully.  My qualifications are ABTC and APBC approved and these 2 organisations are generally regarded as the gold standard in UK dog training world and at the forefront pushing for regulation in this industry along with the RCVS and RSPCA. 

Rescue Dog Settling in Package:

I specialise in rescue dog rehabilitation as I feel so passionately about the need for us to save our furry friends from a miserable life in shelters or possible euthanasia.  I have had 3 rescue dogs of my own, some with serious issues and have now worked with over 700 rescue dogs and their owners 121 and have a particular interest in ex street/shelter dogs and foreign rescues who are uniquely different and require a different approach which many other trainers/behaviourists simply do not understand. They do not respond well to aversive methods and this can make matters worse. 

Initial Consultation with full assessment and rehabilitation programme £150 with FREE follow on support via phone for 3 months

Dog/Owner training walks £70/hour:

This is for minor issues such as pulling on the lead, improving your recall etc with no report. This is not suitable for dogs displaying reactivity as there would need to be a full history taken and much more in depth consultation to determine the type of reactivity, cause and report with homework. 


121 Puppy Starter session: 

This is bespoke and flexible to your needs but initially comprises an email/verbal consult prior to collecting your puppy, followed by 1 hour home visits @ £70 for as long as you need which may include a training walk.


I offer evening and weekend appointents if the family all like to attend and can offer specific advice to children on how to behave around a new puppy and what to expect. 

 I can offer you 121  professional help and advice and your dog's unique personality is assessed along with your own, which in my opinion is crucial and where some classes often fall down as effective training methods will depend upon this individual assessment.  One size definitely does not fit all and some puppies are just so distracted and sometimes upset by the other dogs in the class, nothing much can be learned. Many clients have left classes to come to me instead. I can help you avoid the common pitfalls that require my professional intervention later on in adolescence and are by then embedded and harder to undo. Socialisation is best done in a controlled environment where your dog is not overwhelmed.  I offer consultation(s) with a full report on your dog and includes a fully tailored puppy starter pack printed off for you to keep and to take you through your first year together, including the various developmental stages,  with free ongoing advice from me as you progress for your first year along with follow up visits/training walks if required. 

Complete our 'Contact Us Form' on the button above to start the process.

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My reviews speak for themselves and are all fully verifiable


"It’s incredible to see our new rescue dog Lily snuggling up for strokes and cuddles now, after a very rocky start. She was a snarling hot mess in the beginning and we were properly scared of her until Sue came to our rescue! I’m not sure she would still be with us had you not taken our desperate phone call a few weeks ago! You are the dog whisperer of Claygate!! Thank you so much!!!"  Sue Cole 28/8/20


"Lockdown has proved tough for humans and pets alike. We were recommended The Surrey Ark through a local dog groomer. Teddy broke his toe when he was very young and has had a trip to Fitzpatrick to top it off for a dodgy leg. He is now 3 but still acting like a young puppy pulling at the lead and with my children not really wanting to take him out for a walk as he would pull too hard. His anxiety around being left was getting worse and even the postman delivering letters was causing him a daily upset. The Surrey Ark came in at a point when we could have a visitor so we socially distanced outside. We carried out a survey so they were fully briefed before arriving. We as a family made a joint decision to all do this together and well. The Surrey Ark (Sue) got Teddy straight away and identified his personality type which we could all relate to. After our meeting we had some homework and videos, visuals and activities to go over. We all wrote the key words that Teddy needed for us to remain consistent, we also bought an outside letter box which has helped him and the postman! It's been great to keep in touch get helpful tips and check in! I am so thankful to have found The Surrey Ark"  Karen Pearman 14/7/20


“Our 4 month old Pomeranian puppy was very reactive due to fear and felt the need to jump and growl at people and other dogs on walks. Surrey Ark were extremely approachable and friendly and provided some very helpful advice over the phone during lockdown, which was then sent over as a report. On following the advice our little pup is much more confident each day and less reactive to triggers. Would definitely recommend when raising a puppy during lockdown.” Yasmin Lily 25/5/20



We called on Sue to give us some guidance with our 21 month old Jack Russell, Bella, who was quite nervous of other dogs, and had a couple of other issues. We are so glad we did, although we are experienced dog owners, the time spent with Sue, and her advice, was really helpful. So much so, Bella is more confident, and less anxious when on her daily walks. Sue has a gentle, caring approach, and Bella really warmed to her and reacted well to her. Sue also recommended a change of diet, and that has proved to be a positive step. We would definitely recommend her, and so would Bella. Sally Dyos 23/1/20


" We asked Sue to help us with our dog as she had recently bitten our friends young girl. We under took what Sue advised us to do, including games, fun feeding ideas, and training tips. In doing this, our dog became much more confident and her role within our family. She is now less confused and when children are around, she knows to go to her safe spot, so she feels secure. Sue also advised giving her different food in the evening, which has ensured she is able to go through the night with out going to the toilet. We would highly recommend Sue, she has helped us transform our dog." K Kelleher 11/10/19


"Brilliant dog training techniques. Our overexcited Rocky has realised that he doesn’t need to bark each time he goes outside" Silke Espinet 22/9/19


We are so grateful to have found Sue and the team at Surrey Ark. After rehoming our nervous rescue girl, Sally, we've needed extra support in settling her in and getting her used to spending time alone. Sue has really gone above and beyond for us, she genuinely cares about Sally and making sure we all go at a pace she is comfortable with. We are so grateful for the support of Sue and Tugba and feel that Sally is in such safe hands when she's spending time with them. We have also learned an enormous amount about nervous dogs thanks to Sue's expertise. Sally has come such a long way, showing more and more of her personality and even making friends with Sue's lovely dogs too. We can't thank you enough for everything you have done for us!

Lauren Raynor April 2019


Barney"I cannot recommend Sue from Surrey Ark highly enough, so here comes the longest review I have ever written! Sue and Leah have known Barney, our golden retriever, since he was a tiny pup. He is a gorgeous dog, now five years old, but he has become increasingly difficult to manage over the years. In desperatation, after the worst week we’ve had with him, I asked Sue to come and help me. If I’m honest, this was a last attempt on my part (Sue is the third dog behaviourist we’ve seen) before we considered re-housing him, so I was very apprehensive. Within minutes of arriving at our house, Sue had assessed him as a funny old mix of nervous and and status seeking - both of which made total sense. She then set about showing me simple tricks to help him step down from the role he’d taken on as my protector. It was the way that she explained this that made more sense than ever before, and it was a bit like a light bulb coming on for the first time. We spent a lot of time in the house, and then had a short walk together, Sue modelling how to start a walk calmly with him before I had a go. Once Sue had left, I had a go on my own and followed all her tips to the letter. It is hard to convey in writing what an extraordinary experience this was, but Barney was totally and utterly different. He walked calmly, looked me in the eye properly and had no ‘crazy dog’ moments of launching himself at any of his long list of triggers. And this was part way through day 1. Four days later, and he truly is a different dog. He’s stopped barking in the house, no longer barks at the door and is totally and utterly chilled: my husband couldn’t believe the difference when he came home after a week away last evening.We are beyond thrilled and beyond grateful. I know we‘ve still got lots of work to do, but with Sue’s continuing support and reassurance, I feel that the pieces of jigsaw will join properly at last, and we can start enjoying our beautiful Barney again." Clare Hepworth 16/2/19


I contacted Sue after she was personally recommended to me. We had recently got our first family puppy and I'd become a little concerned that my youngest son was losing his confidence around her with all the puppy biting and jumping up. Sue came round to the house to meet Lola and gave us some fantastic strategies to help Lola happily slot in to her correct position in "our pack." We have recently met up with Sue again for a training walk to help Lola (and me) build confidence after an unfortunate incident with another dog. Sue has so much knowledge and is fantastic with Lola. I've found talking to her and learning more about our four legged friends invaluable. We have another training session in the diary!   Emma Hobden 6/11/18


Sue has been amazing with our cockapoo Daisy.

Daisy had no boundaries and was always jumping at people, didn’t listen or adhere to any training we gave her and I became worried as the kids especially my young daughter became scared of her. We started to loose confidence in ourselves and felt we had made a mistake getting a dog.

After the first session with Sue, My confidence came back. We did several follow ups with Sue. She was passionate about helping us that she even gave us free sessions just to help us get it right. Sue taught my son how to walk with the dog and was always there to respond to all the text messages.

Sue you are an amazing teacher. You have given both me and the kids confidence to live with daisy and we would forever be grateful to you . 
When it comes to dogs You are a miracle Worker���

Latoya Walter 22/2/18


"Sue helped us with our 10-month old Vizsla who was having some unusual issues over particular toys and I wanted to nip it in the bud before it escalated into resource guarding. After an initial 'assessment', Sue gave us lots of tips/exercises to work on to help make sure she felt secure and comfortable and almost looked to us for guidance/reassurance in certain circumstances. We continue to use these techniques to work on the bond between all of us and our dog. Sue provided excellent support via email after the initial meeting, and then we had a productive follow-up session so that we could build on what we'd learnt from the first one." Jo 10/1/19

"5 Stars" The Surrey Ark have now cared for our dogs on 2 occasions while we have been abroad on holiday. I could not be happier with their service - both Sue and Zoe provided outstanding care to our dogs - they will never go to kennels again!  

Sue also did some behavioural training with our more dominant dog and we returned to a different dog. We are now working hard to maintain the good

work she has done!" Kate Heaney 13/9/17

" 5 Stars!

Sue and Leah have been brilliant! They gave us lots of practical tips for helping Lottie in the home (helping her understand where she stood in the pack after the arrival of a new baby) and then showed us how to help Lottie remain calm and

not fearful when meeting other dogs, particularly those more assertive ones. 

It has helped us all enormously - thank you from all of us, in particular Lottie!"

Emma Jenkins 29/7/17                   


“Turner the French Bull dog came to live with us at his “for every home” in January 2017. It quickly became obvious that he was a reactive dog and did not respond well to other dogs or animals. Having no experience in this before I was recommended to speak to Sue and Leah. I was a little apprehensive having only ever seen Barbara Woodhouse on the T.V. Sue and Leah came to visit and I could not be more delighted. Their calm confident aura was apparent from the start. They bonded with Turner straight away and have guided me on how to help Turner become less reactive. They have gently passed their knowledge on to me so that I now feel I have the confidence required to tackle confrontational situation and work with Turner to eliminate the reactive side of his otherwise wonderful personality. Thank you Sue and Leah for helping our family.”Jo Rowland April 2017


“Sue has changed my life for the better! Today was another example of how far my once unruly cross breed has come. We met professional dog walkers with several dogs off lead. She went over but when I called her back she came straight away and sat waiting for a treat! She still tried to jump up and lick the man but at least she didn’t cause any bother with their dogs. Thank you so much Sue walks are now so much more pleasurable and less stressful” Rachel Thompson, Esher, July 2018


"I would like to thank Sue for all her help with Sid my miniature Dachshund, after her first visit I felt so much more confident, she gave me lots of ideas and tips to improve Sid's behaviour and build his confidence. I arranged a walk

with her and her gorgeous dog Chip.  

When meeting other dogs Sid had always shown aggression towards them, Sue showed me that he is actually quite a nervous dog and how I could build his confidence.  With Sue’s help Sid’s behaviour is much improved especially around other dogs, and both of us have gained a lot of confidence, thank you Sue." 

Sue Stack 24/8/18




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My Experience


Following a career change in my fifties, after working at Esher College for 15 years I took the leap to follow my dream and work with dogs. Although I had run the Surrey Ark Team of dog walkers/sitters and pet carers for 10 years it was only part time but then became my day job.   During this time I gained a lot of hands on experience walking a variety dogs and dog sitting  and there are not many dog issues I haven't dealt with. 

I am a fully qualified, certified and experienced Dog Behaviour Specialist working since 2015. I have just passed with Merit the full degree Advanced Diploma Applied Animal Behaviour level 6 on my journey to become a Clinical Dog Behaviourist.  I practice force-free positive training methods which are science-based.  I train and support you, as your dog's owner, to build your relationship with your dog and gain their trust, as once I have gone home, it will be down to you to make those changes.  I am by your side throughout the transformation,  as some issues take time and practice and I offer FREE calls/texts after the initial consultation for 3 months.

My Qualifications:

Advanced Diploma Applied Animal Behaviour Level 6, (Bachelor's Degree), Level 5 (Distinction) Foundation Degree (Compass) which is Accredited by the ABTC (Animal Behaviour Training Council) and Institute for Animal Care Education, also The Canine Behaviour Training Diploma with The Centre of Excellence with Distinction Level 3 (Accredited by the CPD), The Rommie 'Plant' with Meesh Masters, 'What Does it Mean to be Trauma Informed' Laura Donaldson, Aggression to Humans, Jean Donaldson and I am also a Member of the ISAP.

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My  Story and my Rescue Dogs: 


I originally got into this 9 years ago to help our 13 year old second rescue terrier cross, Chip, who had numerous issues.  We had already adopted our first dog, Milo, from Battersea Dog’s Home and once he reached the age of three, we felt it would be nice to get him a companion.   We came across 20 week old Chip, a terrier cross at the RSPCA Godstone, following months of searching for a rescue crossbreed puppy.  Our two children were still quite young, (3 and 7) so it had to be a puppy and they are snapped up very quickly.   The RSPCA had already warned us that he would not be an easy dog to rehome, as he had already been returned by an elderly lady who couldn’t cope with him. They had assessed him and told us that he was a pushy dog who would need an older dog to ‘put him in his place' and teach him manners.  They also wanted a family who had already brought up a puppy and therefore knew what to expect.   They were pleased with our ‘fit’ and asked us to bring along Milo so we could see whether or not they would get on. This we did and they got along well so we took Chip home and then the fun began!

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As Milo was such an angel and easy dog to train and live with, we thought we knew all about dogs! I could write a book about Chip along the lines of ‘Marlie and Me’. He jumped out of my son’s first floor bedroom window once, landed on the lawn (narrowly missing my daughter) and didn’t even break his stride, as he took off after the neighbour’s cat! Most of our friends remember only too well how he would run off, escape from our garden whenever we went out, despite hundreds of pounds and hours spent fixing our fences!  He would go around a list of friends’ houses when we went away on holiday, hoping that’s where we were, stand in the middle of the road and bark until they came out – then run off and refuse to be caught. He had a few minor altercations with the neighbour’s cat and some unsuspecting delivery men.  He pulled like a freight train on the lead as we rarely put a lead on him, living with a garden gate into the woods.  He would bark at the back door to go out and charge ahead of us everywhere.  He would chase a cat or a squirrel up a tree on Claygate Common and the ‘red mist’ would descend so that he would just not hear you calling him at all and we could be out for ages trying to catch him.   He was not keen on guests and would bark at them to go home (very embarrassing).   He would also howl inconsolably whenever we left him and had bouts of seperation anxiety which I eventually cured.    He was the polar opposite of the beautifully behaved Milo but we realise now that he was taken away from his Mum far too early and then spent several weeks in a cage all alone at the RSPCA so had severe separation anxiety right from the start, missing a lot of the crucial ‘critical’ socialisation points in a puppy’s life, this coupled with his terrier personality, made for a lot of adventures.  There were many occasions when my husband suggested that we take him back for rehoming, however, I could never let that happen as I knew that if we did, his chances of a forever home would diminish and his trust in people would as well.  He could quite realistically end up being euthanised which would have broken my heart, so we battled on trying every type of lead in the book and making regular trips to Champions in Claygate for more fencing.

However, at the ripe old age of 10, he was a changed dog!  The old adage ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ is not true!  Following my newly acquired knowledge, Chip became my guinea pig and he was an angel and the dog I used with other dog reactive case studies I had taken on.   He walked like a dream on the lead, with no pulling at all, rarely needed the lead as he trotted along a few paces behind me very happily.  He never ran away anymore on walks. I had all but cured his separation anxiety and he was a much calmer, happier dog.  Some of my friends couldn't believe he was the same dog!  He was losing his sight and hearing so I had had to teach him a lot of  sign language and I had given him a bell and a light in the woods as he could sometimes lose sight of me and panic but gone were the days of him running away after a squirrel or chasing a cat up a tree!

Sadly we had to say goodbye to Chip in December 2020 which has broken my heart. He was my 'once in a lifetime' dog. 


I adopted another one year old Romanian rescue dog called Fizz in 2018 who had a bad start in her short life.  She had a broken rib, her tail had been cut off as a puppy in Romania and she was adopted at 4 months and crated for most of her life in England. The young couple who took her worked all day, bred from her and  neglected her so much that the charity took her back. She had by then lost all the fur on her back,  was infested with fleas and fearful of everything and everyone.  She was so badly under-socialised that she was almost a red zone dog when I met her, with little hope of finding a forever home, unless someone who knew what they were doing stepped in.  I am a sucker and I fell in love with the hot mess that she was there and then when we met.   She missed her critical socialisation periods which will affect her for life but  I am working with her to overcome her fears, hyper-vigilance and unique ex-street dog issues to rehabilitate her so that, in time, she can build trust again and will hopefully become a happy and loving companion. We have made incredible progress already. Fizz has taught me more than I have taught her though and helped me to understand the unique differences between ex shelter/street dogs and english rescue dogs, they are almost a difference species, the differences are so profound and punitive methods used by many trainers for english dogs quite often simply do not work at all and can usually worsen the issue.   We still have a way to go with Fizz's fears but she is a different dog to the one who arrived in our house and has even learned to play, give affection and welcome guests. She can play with dogs she knows and trusts but still has fears around certain unknown types of dogs after some bad experiences in Romania and the shelter and can occasionally still freak out.  She is the most loving dog we have every had and despite her idiosyncracies, she has found her forever home with us and we love her dearly. 


My Mission

This is why I so passionately wanted to do this.  If I can prevent dogs being given up by their family because they are having trouble coping with their unwanted behaviours, with a few accurate and effective interventions, lots of patience and practice, then this has made my day and I have saved a family and their dog from heartbreak.  Rescue homes are overflowing with unwanted dogs and up to 70% are now being euthanised if homes cannot be found quickly. It breaks my heart that we can do this to our best friends when a few early interventions can prevent this from happening and allow us all to live together in harmony.


Fizz my Romanian

Rescue Dog

Just some of my clients


BBC Radio Surrey & Sussex

I was invited to speak on BBC Radio Surrey and Sussex on 26th January 2020 by Nicky Patrick on her 'Fifteen Minutes of Fame' slot all about The Surrey Ark and Dog Behaviour Training. Here is the link:

Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly TV Programme

I had a call from the ‘Dog’s Behaving (Very) Badly team asking if we could help professionally handling our dogs around some reactive dogs that Graham Hall was training.  My daughter, Leah and myself took our old dog Chip and Rolo, one of our clients dogs who were superstars, see photo. The episode was shown on Channel 5 in February 2020. Whilst it was interesting to take part from the inside, there is a lot of editing is all I will say. 

TV/Internet Dog trainers all have their own individual approaches and many are less qualified than I am, remember this is an unregulated industry. I do not agree with aversive methods used and have developed my own style which is based on force free methodology using positive reinforcement. 


These Terms and Conditions are for clients of Mendmydog Dog Behaviourist 

They are designed for the safety, responsibility and welfare of clients and animals while undergoing any sessions or consultations. We reserve the right to change and update these terms and conditions at any time with immediate effect. If any changes are made while undergoing or prior to sessions/consultations we will endeavour to inform you at the earliest convenience. It is the client’s responsibility to fully read these terms and conditions and familiarise themselves when required.


Bookings are to be made directly with Mendmydog via The Surrey Ark website or email where needed. These sessions/consultations will be confirmed in writing once booked.

Cost for your initial behaviour consultation is set at £150 for canine patients

Your initial behaviour consultation is booked for 1.5-2 hours. This will involve a lot of discussion of the behaviours displayed by your pet and introduction of management and training tasks. Follow up sessions (charged separately) will cover the implementation of more intensive behaviour modification changes.

Follow up sessions will work through the behaviour modifications and are charged at £70 per hour and can be booked in one-hour slots (

Ongoing support via Email or Phone will be provided for 3 months post the last consultation/session. Urgent problems will be responded within 24 hours, however non-urgent problems might have a longer lead time depending on caseloads at the time.

Intellectual Property Rights

All written, photographic and video material and logos are the sole property of Mendmydog  and are not to be distributed without prior, written permission. In accessing our materials and written reports, you agree that you are using them for your personal, non-commercial use.

Blogs/social media and free to access videos have consent to be freely shared unless the client requests otherwise.


We will not take responsibility for misinterpretation of advice. Many external factors influence behaviours and we cannot guarantee our training advice will be successful without controlling all of these other factors. If you have any questions after any session, we strongly recommend you to contact us for any clarifications.

Behaviour consultations are recommended to alter dangerous and stressful behaviours for both owners and pet. Animal aggression can cause injury, including fatalities. Treatment for aggression is not a guarantee of success and modifying behaviour does not assure the aggression will be successfully controlled. It is your responsibility to ensure safety of people and other animals with regards to your pet. Safety precautions will be advised and may include; limited access to people/animals, being kept on lead, wearing a muzzle and use of gates around the home. We cannot take responsibility for behaviour of your dog outside of training sessions.

During sessions/consultations you and your dog will be covered by insurance, including professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance. However, we strongly recommend all dog guardians have pet insurance including third party liability cover addition.

If the client/handler does not follow advice given during the session and this leads to injury of family members, the pet, other animals or members of the public, the responsibility falls to the person not following guidance or their responsible person/persons.

If requested to have the pet restrained on a suitable lead, harness or room. It is requested to follow this advice unless instructed otherwise during the consultation/session.


All client details will be kept safely under the Data Protection Act 2018.

No client details will ever be passed onto a third party.

You might be contact about services or offers by Email.

If you no longer would like to receive contact from Mendmydog, please let us know and we can remove your details at any point.


During sessions videos and photos might be taken which include your dog with/without family members. This might be to be shared with your vet (gait analysis or posture changes) or used for educational reasons.

This will be discussed with the primary owner before photos/videos taken.

These might be used for social media or marketing with owner’s consent.

No photos of children will be taken unless prior agreement of parent/guardian.

Delay of session/cancellations

We reserve the right to cancel any session/consultation at our discretion. It is infrequent but if Mendmydog need to reschedule a session, such as in an emergency or due to adverse weather conditions including extreme heat, you will be offered a replacement date suitable to your commitments.

If you or your pet has illness or injuries, please let us know at the soonest possibility, as it might be appropriate to delay the session.

If you need to re-arrange a booked session/consultation, we request 24-hour notice. If notice is less than 24-hours, full charging of the agreed payment is still required by the client.

Training Methods

During any sessions, if any methods or items which causes pain or fear, we will request to stop the action and suggest alternative suitable actions. If you do not comply, we reserve the right to immediately stop training without a refund.

We also strongly recommend you do not use these methods outside of the sessions/consultations.

Additional requirements

All dogs should be fully vaccinated, wormed and de-flead at the recommended regular intervals. Unless prior agreement has been made with Mendmydog.  

It is the owners/handler’s responsibility to clear up after their dog has toileted on public ground.

Minors shall be under close supervision by their guardians/parents at all times.

Aggression behaviours or bite incidents must be declared on your history form prior to your initial consultation. This allows full prior preparation of your consultation to ensure a full risk assessment to accurate for any behaviour case.

All pets are required to have free access to water during any sessions/consultations.

This declaration sets out the terms on which Mendmydog accepts you for any service. Once you have booked a consultation or sessions you are accepting these terms and conditions and you will be bound by all of Mendmydog Terms and Conditions.”

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